Like most field biologists, Zach’s passion for nature and the outdoors began at a very early age, and it was heavily nurtured by his parents taking him on frequent trips to neighborhood creeks and state parks throughout southern Indiana. Upon receiving his bachelor’s degree in Wildlife from Purdue University, Zach performed a variety of field jobs focused on the conservation of a variety of rare and endangered herpetofauna throughout the US, from timber rattlesnakes to hellbenders, crawfish frogs, frosted flatwoods salamanders, and Kirtland’s snakes. Zach now resides in College Station, Texas, working on ARC’s endeavor to monitor and restore habitat for the critically Endangered Houston toad. In his free time, Zach enjoys exploring biodiversity near and far and documenting it through photography and videography. His short documentary about the frosted flatwoods salamander was featured at the Covey Film Festival in Thomasville, Georgia in 2022. Zach also enjoys kayaking, hiking, and of course, herping.