Press & Media
ARC has been and continues to be a resource for the media when covering imperiled wildlife, especially amphibians and reptiles, habitat restoration, and place-based conservation.
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ARC in the Media
A terrifying fungal disease is infecting frogs in Africa. Here’s why it matters.
March 24, 2023
By Jackie Wattles
Jackie Wattles covers a devastating amphibian disease called chytridiomycosis caused by chytrid fungi and how it has impacted frogs and salamanders worldwide in an article featuring quotes from ARC Executive Director JJ Apodaca.
What We Can Learn From This Magnificent Migration
February 6, 2023
The New York Times
Guest Essay
By Margaret Renkl
Margaret Renkl discusses the sense of wonder she experienced visiting a wildlife refuge in Alabama to view sandhill cranes and the importance of wetland habitats for numerous other species.
A Day Tracking Diamondbacks
June 14, 2021
Garden & Gun
By Lindsey Liles
Lindsey Liles describes the experience of joining the ARC Team in the field to track rare eastern diamondback rattlesnakes in the Francis Marion Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Area (PARCA) in South Carolina.