How to Help


In most parts of the Post Oak Savannah, a lack of fire has led to dense thickets of brush, mostly yaupon holly and eastern red cedar. These thickets are not natural and have little use for wildlife, cattle, or people, inhibit groundwater recharge, and increase the risk of catastrophic wildfires, such as the Bastrop County Complex fire of 2011. 


Through a partnership with TPWD, the Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy is funding cost share programs. These involve mulching and spraying these thickets to open up the canopy, allowing more native grasses and herbaceous plants to establish, restoring native habitat for Houston toads and many other species. 

TPWD also offers several cost share programs for habitat improvement, such as the Landowner Incentive Program and Pastures for Upland Birds program, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service offers programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentive Program. All of these programs are a great opportunity to work with experts to achieve the conservation goals you desire for your property. 

To inquire about our cost share programs, fill out this form:

Managing your land with prescribed fire and promoting native grasses are the most effective things you can do to help struggling wildlife populations, not just Houston toads. Prescribed fires also help mitigate the risks of large dangerous wildfires, such as the 2011 Bastrop County Complex Fire. TPWD can provide assistance to conduct prescribed fire. Consult your local wildlife biologist for more info. 

Your local biologist can be found here:

Seasonal ponds or low lying wet spots can be important breeding areas for Houston toads and other amphibians, as they exclude fish and other aquatic predators. Leaving them in place and promoting vegetation growth on the margins of ponds and wetlands helps provide cover and food for Houston toad tadpoles and other native wildlife. 

The Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy is always seeking new wetlands to monitor within the range of the Houston toad, you can find more information here.

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