Matthew Rothstein Annual Bioblitz: Community Members Survey Biodiversity & Remember Young Naturalist

The Matthew Rothstein Annual Bioblitz is an opportunity for people to join other members of the community to learn more about the wildlife and plants in their local ecosystem, exchange knowledge, and contribute to a scientific survey. The event began in 2022 and is held annually in or near one of our PARCAs, or Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas, across the US.

The Bioblitz honors the memory of Matthew Rothstein (3/10/00 – 12/23/20), a lover of wildlife and a cherished member of our naturalist community. “This event was designed to connect participants with the natural world, which brought Matthew such great joy, in order to remember him in a way that he would have loved,” said ARC Executive Director JJ Apodaca.

Conservation of the species that Matthew adored is an important objective of the annual event. “Connecting with nature doesn’t just benefit our mental and physical health,” said ARC Southwestern Program Coordinator Becca Cozad. “It also benefits the environment. After all, people only conserve what they love, and it’s difficult to love something without exposure and forging a connection.”

2023 Matthew Rothstein Annual Bioblitz

The second Matthew Rothstein Annual Bioblitz will be held at Sabino Canyon Recreational Area in Tucson, Arizona on August 12, 2023. Participants will survey the area’s biodiversity with scientists and other naturalists to identify and document as many species as possible to promote learning, citizen science, and conservation in commemoration of the life of Matthew Rothstein.

Event: Matthew Rothstein Annual Bioblitz
Date: August 12, 2023
Time: 8:00 am
Location: Sabino Canyon Recreational Area (5700 N Sabino Canyon Rd, Tucson, AZ), covered ramada next to the parking lot
Cost: Free event, although Sabino Canyon charges an $8 parking fee
Participants should bring
: Water, food, sunblock, a hat, binoculars (optional)
Hiking difficulty: Hikes ranging from easy to strenuous are available

The first 50 people to register and attend the 8:00 am event kickoff will receive a free t-shirt.

More than 1,400 species inhabit the Sabino Canyon Recreational Area, and participants have a great chance of seeing something new to them during the event. As Cozad explained, “We want to engage members of the public in learning more about what species share space with us – especially those that are frequently overlooked, like reptiles and amphibians.”

Past Events

May 20, 2022, Francis Marion PARCA, South Carolina