Ben Morrison

Ben Morrison


McClellanville, South Carolina

 I have always had a broad interest in nature and conservation. After studying ecology at the University of Georgia, I held jobs in such fields as wildlife biology, environmental education, and land management. From educating the public as a naturalist, to improving critical habitat with prescribed fire, to working on various projects as a wildlife technician, I have learned and appreciated how important it is to have an integrated approach to conservation. In my herpetology career I have been lucky enough to work with beautiful and fascinating species including bog turtles, hellbenders, timber rattlesnakes, and loggerhead sea turtles. I am currently working hard to identify and assist with the implementation and monitoring of conservation measures to protect imperiled species such as gopher frogs, eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, spotted turtles, southern hognose snakes, and pine snakes. In my spare time I enjoy music, fishing, and blowing up pumpkins.